Finding Harmony in Growth: Celebrating 15 Years of Resilience, Creativity and Shared Success at Bhava

By Pamela NjissangJuly 7, 2024

When I first joined Bhava 11 years ago, I was searching for a way to blend my professional ambitions with my personal responsibilities as a young mother of four, with the youngest under a year old. I wanted to find harmony between my work and my life, but I often felt like I was constantly juggling competing demands, never quite able to find my balance. 

Then I found Bhava.

I discovered a community that was committed to supporting each other in finding that elusive harmony. Over the years, as my children have grown—one now out of college, another entering college, a third heading to high school and the youngest entering middle school—I’ve been able to find the balance to be there for them while also advancing in my career. Bhava’s culture of empathy, understanding and putting people first has been instrumental in making this possible.

Through the years our team navigated countless challenges and changes, from the daily balancing acts of agency life to the unprecedented upheaval of a global pandemic. Looking back, I realize that our ability to navigate through all the twists and turns was rooted in the strong foundation we had built over the previous 15 years. This is because at Bhava, harmony isn’t just a buzzword – it’s a daily practice. It’s about creating a culture where people feel supported in bringing their whole selves to work, where challenges are met with empathy and understanding, and where success is measured not just in profits, but in the well-being and growth of every team member. From evolving client needs to shifting industry landscapes, we’ve met each new hurdle with a spirit of curiosity, adaptability and determination. We’ve embraced the chance to learn and grow, to stretch beyond our comfort zones and to discover new strengths and possibilities.

As we celebrate 15 years of Bhava, I’m filled with gratitude and find myself reflecting on all the ways in which Bhava has supported me in my own growth and harmony over the years:

• The leaders who have believed in me, even when I doubted myself, especially our CEO, Liz, who dared to dream of a different kind of workplace and who has worked tirelessly to make that dream a reality.

• The colleagues who have inspired me with their talent, their dedication and their heart.

• Our clients who place their trust in us and inspire us to aim higher.

• The challenges that have pushed me to discover new strengths and passions.

Through it all, there’s been an unwavering sense of being part of something bigger – a community united by shared purpose and values. I’m continually inspired by the dedication, creativity and heart that our team brings to their work, day in and day out.

I encourage you to reflect on what harmony means to you, in work and in life. At Bhava, harmony, guided by our core values, looks like:

• Embracing the changes and challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, with Fearless Creativity as our compass.

• Leaning into the support of our teammates and being generous in offering our own, embodying the spirit of Put People First.

• Celebrating the small victories and the big milestones, fueled by our Passion for Quality.

• Above all, never forgetting that our well-being matters – that when we thrive as individuals, our whole team rises together, in true harmony with our values of Put People First and Integrity.

As we embark on the next chapter of our Bhava journey, here’s to embracing change as an opportunity for growth, both personally and professionally; to harnessing our collective creativity to make a meaningful difference in our work and in our world; and to continuing to lift each other up as we reach for new heights – because that’s when the real magic happens.

Pam Njissang is the Managing Director at Bhava. She cherishes work-life harmony, culinary adventures, beach escapes and captivating narratives. Weekends find her experimenting with new recipes, cheering on her kids at their sporting events or getting lost in a good story.